Career Paths In the Odd Fellows, male
members are called Brother ......... and female members are called Sister.
The Odd Fellows career path is quite structured, and open to
capable |
Odd Fellows Brother Lodge Initiation Your career invariably begins with being formally initiated into a lodge and then progressively receiving the Degree lessons as the fundamental steps of Lodge membership. |
The Three Degrees After Initiation you are permitted to progressively apply to receive the Formal Degrees representing Friendship, Love and Truth. After receiving the Degrees, you are eligible to undertake an appointed or elected chair in your Lodge. Each position normally carries a one year term of office. The elected offices of a Lodge are the Secretary, Warden, Vice Grand and the Noble Grand. The appointed chairs of a Lodge include the Conductor, the Chaplain, Left Supporter of the Noble Grand and, Right Supporter of the Noble Grand, Left Supporter of the Vice Grand, Right Supporter of the Vice Grand, Inside Guardian. A Third Degree member may be elected as the Lodge Secretary, which carries with it secretarial and administrative duties on behalf of the Lodge. This role usually has certain perquisites, with an honorarium depending on the wealth of the Lodge. It is necessary to take progressive offices culminating in the position of Noble Grand before qualifying to be a Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge of your Jurisdiction. Third Degree members are also eligible to apply for membership of an Encampment Lodge where they will receive the higher Encampment Degrees (Representing Faith, Hope and Charity), which culminates with the Royal Purple Degree. Receiving the Royal Purple Degree opens the door to the Grand Encampment and the Grand Lodge of Australasia and beyond. |
The Noble Grand
Having progressed through the Three Degrees, and the elected offices of
Warden and Vice Grand, you may be elected as Noble Grand of your Lodge. As
Noble Grand you are Chairperson/President for the term of election
(usually one year).
Past Grand
A Past Grand is a member who has moved through the elected chairs of the
Lodge (Warden, Vice Grand and finally Noble Grand). As a Past Grand, the
official regalia of the Lodge is awarded, giving recognisable rank in the
A Past Grand is eligible to be a Trustee of his Lodge, which is like being
on the Lodge’s Board, which oversees the financial affairs of the Lodge.
a Past Grand, you will be eligible to be nominated for the position of
Lodge Representative to the Session of the Jurisdictional Grand Lodge to
which your Lodge is a subordinate. The Grand Lodge Session is basically an
embellished Annual General Meeting of the Lodges and is usually a day long
forum which sets the direction of the Lodge within the Jurisdiction. The
forum promotes debate and exchange and exposure to the Session is a
beneficial experience in this sense.
The Grand Lodge Team
A Past Grand who is a Grand Representative can also become an elected or appointed officer of the Jurisdictional Grand Lodge, which has as its peak, the role of Grand Master. The Grand Master leads the Lodges during his or her term of office. The convention is to move through a similar process as in the Lodge, with the elected offices of the Grand Lodge being Grand Secretary, Grand Warden, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master. Each of the elected offices, other than Grand Secretary, are usually for a one year term.
A Past Grand may also be appointed, to an appointed office of the Grand Lodge Team. These include the Grand Chaplain, Grand Marshall, Grand Conductor, Grand Guardian, Grand Director of Ceremonies.
position of Grand Secretary is open to Past Grands. The Grand Secretary is
the Executive Officer of the Grand Lodge, and usually includes salary and
perquisites depending on the wealth of the Grand Lodge. The role varies
from full-time to part-time.
The Grand Master leads the Lodges within his Grand Lodge during his term of office. He is responsible for conducting Installation Ceremonies for Lodges and overseeing the conduct of Lodges generally with the Jurisdictional Grand Lodge. At the conclusion of his term of office, he chairs the Grand Lodge Session before the Grand Master Elect is Installed as Grand Master.
As a Representative at the Jurisdictional Grand Lodge Session,

Grand Lodge Team
A Grand Representative may be nominated at the Australasian Grand Lodge Session for the highest elected offices in the Grand Lodge of Australasia, namely the Grand Secretary, Grand Warden, Deputy Grand Sire and Grand Sire of the Grand Lodge of Australasia. As the Australasian Grand Lodge Session is on a Triennial basis, these offices are for the duration of 3 year terms. Custom has it that one must begin as the Grand Warden and progress through to Grand Sire. As an elected officer of the Grand Lodge of Australasia, you will also sit on the Executive Committee, which acts with the powers of the Grand Lodge between Sessions. The Executive meets at least once each year, and any expenses are paid for by the Grand Lodge of Australasia.

The appointed offices of the Grand Lodge of Australasia includes the Grand Director of Ceremonies. These roles are only active at the Installation Ceremony during the Session period of the Grand Lodge of Australasia.
The Grand Sire is the leader for Odd Fellow and Rebekah Lodges in Australia and New Zealand for his term of office (three years). The Grand Sire chairs the Grand Lodge Session meeting at the conclusion of his term of office, after which the The Grand Sire Elect is Installed into office.
This is a very similar role to that of Grand Secretary of a Jurisdictional Grand Lodge. The Grand Secretary is responsible for organising the secretarial and administrative functions of the Grand Lodge, including organising the Triennial Session, attending to the Executive Meetings, which involves paid travel, and other duties including treasury.

The Sovereign Grand Lodge Independent Order of Odd Fellows Session (In North America)
The International Advisory Board Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Both of these roles provide the Grand Representative with some travel and expense reimbursements to attend to these duties.
Initiation (Rebekah Degree)

A member may also be elected as the Lodge Secretary, which carries with it secretarial and administrative duties on behalf of the Lodge. This role usually has certain perquisites, with remuneration depending on the wealth of the Lodge.
Male Odd Fellows are also allowed to join Rebekah Lodges in Australasia, but not in all parts of the world.
Having received the Rebekah Degree, and progressed through the elected offices of Warden and Vice Grand, you may be elected as Noble Grand of your Lodge. As Noble Grand you are Chairperson/President for the term of election (usually one year).
A Past Noble Grand is a member who has moved through the elected chairs of the Lodge (Warden, Vice Grand and finally Noble Grand). As a Past Noble Grand, the official regalia of the Lodge is awarded, giving recognisable rank in the Order.
A Past Noble Grand is eligible to be a Trustee of her Lodge, which is like being on the Lodge’s Board, which oversees the financial affairs of the Lodge.
As a Past Noble Grand, you will be eligible to be nominated for the position of Lodge Representative to the Session of the Grand Lodge to which your Lodge is subordinate. The Grand Lodge Session is basically an Annual General Meeting of the Lodges and is usually a day long forum which sets the collective direction of all the Lodges within the Jurisdiction. The forum promotes debate and exchange and exposure to the Session planning and outcomes is a beneficial personal experience in this sense.
Higher Offices of the
Jurisdictional Grand Lodge
Grand Lodge Team
(In The Grand Lodge of South Australia Only)
Past Noble Grand can then become a member of the Grand Lodge Team, which
has as its peak, the role of Grand Master. The Grand Master leads the
Lodges during his or her term of office. The convention is to move through
a similar process as in the Lodge, with the elected offices of the Grand
Lodge being Grand Warden, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master. Each of the
elected offices are usually for a one year term.
A Past Noble Grand may also be appointed, to an appointed office of the
Grand Lodge Team. These include the Grand Chaplain, Grand Marshall, Grand
Conductor, Grand Guardian, Grand Director of Ceremonies.
Leadership Opportunities
The Lodge
Offices of each Lodge in hierarchical order: | ||
Elective Officers: | Appointive Officers: | |
Noble Grand | Chaplain | |
Vice Grand | Conductor | |
Secretary | Inside Guardian | |
Warden | Right and Left Supporter to the Noble Grand | |
Vice Grand | Right and Left Supporter to the Vice Grand |
As a member who has achieved the Third Degree, you may nominate for the elective positions as they are renewed each year. The Noble Grand appoints members to the appointive positions.
The elected officers in a Lodge are elected by the members of that Lodge. Appointed officers are selected by the incoming Noble Grand and Vice Grand. Officers usually serve a term of one year, starting with the Installation Ceremony of Officers and continuing until the next Installation.
The Noble Grand is the presiding officer, like a chairperson or president. The term “Noble Grand” is traditional, going back centuries and is synonymous with “President”.
The Vice Grand is the next in command, equivalent to a vice chairperson or vice president. Duties include control of the entrance and exit of members to the Lodge room during a meeting, through the Inside Guardian. The Vice Grand also acts as Noble Grand in his or her absence.
The Warden is responsible for the effects of the Lodge and preparing the room for a meeting.
The Secretary keeps the minutes of the lodge and keeps the accounts of the Lodge, pays any bills and receives and writes all correspondence.
The Noble Grand appoints other officers.
Chaplain offers prayers during lodge meetings.
The Conductor leads candidates through the Initiation and Degree
The Inside Guardian attends to the Door, admitting and allowing members to
The Right Supporter of the Noble Grand and the Left Supporter of the Noble
Grand assist the Noble Grand during lodge meetings.
The Right Supporter of the Vice Grand and the Left Supporter of the Vice
Grand provide similar assistance to the Vice Grand and are appointed by
the incoming Vice Grand.
Trustees: A lodge shall have trustees, if their by-laws so provide, who are elected at a different time as the officers of the lodge. They are the official agents of the lodge, and handle the lodge property, investments, cheque signing, etc., subject to approval by the lodge. Trustees shall give a report to the Lodge of all financial transactions and other important actions. Trustees are not officers in the same sense as the Elected and Appointed Officers, and may also hold other Appointed Offices in their lodge but not Elected Offices.
Grand Lodge of South
As a Lodge member you may hold offices within your own Lodge. In the Grand
Lodge there are also elective and appointive offices as follows:
Elective Officers: | Appointive Officers: | |
Grand Master | Grand Marshall | |
Deputy Grand Master | Grand Conductor | |
Grand Secretary | Grand Chaplain | |
Grand Warden | Grand Guardian
Grand Director of Ceremonies |
Grand Representative
Each year, the Lodges have an annual "Grand Lodge Session". If
you have attained the position of Noble Grand in your Lodge and have
served for one term in that office, you are called a Past Grand and you
may nominate as a Representative of your Lodge to the Grand Lodge Session.
As a Representative you may be nominated for the elective positions. The
Grand Master appoints members to the appointive positions.
You may also nominate for a position on the Fraternal Committee of
Management which is the Executive Board of South Australia's Lodges. This
is an important position, and Fraternal Management Committee Members are
responsible for the good of the Order.